Frequently asked questions

Listed below are some questions we have been asked.

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Why is the legal age for consent 16?

Why do people rape/sexually abuse others?

How can you tell if someone is going to be sexually disrespectful?

What happens to a person if they are sexually assaulted and decide to go to the cops?

What if you tell the Police, but they aren’t being helpful?

What if someone does something bad to you sexually, but then says that if you tell anyone they will hurt you or your family?

Why would someone touch another person sexually then not want to have sex? Isn’t that being a tease?

Is it rape if you touch someone for a few seconds, like on their hand, or elbow?

What are the definitions of the words you are using about this stuff?

What if someone was wasted on drugs or alcohol and got sexually violated but then didn’t want to tell the cops because of the drugs/alcohol?

What if someone was being sexually assaulted and hit the offender, what would happen?

What can you do if the person you love asks you to have sex with them, and you don’t want to hurt their feeling by saying no?

What if your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to have sex with you and you are scared if you say no they might dump you?

What if you and your partner are under 16 and having sex, but you both want it?

What happens if someone gets pregnant from rape?

What if you are having sex then change your mind and want to stop, but the other person doesn’t stop?

How can people go to the Police if it happened years ago when they were kids?

Can a guy get raped by a girl?

If you consent when drunk, is it sexual violation?

How can a woman sexually violate another woman?

What if you are 15 and have a boyfriend or girlfriend older than you, and you want to have sex?

How long do you go to prison for if you’re convicted of sexual violation?

If I told a counsellor about something that happened to me, would they tell the cops or someone else?

How can I help someone who had bad sexual stuff happen to them, but doesn’t want to talk about it or get help?

Who do you go to for help if you get sexually violated?

Is it ok to masturbate?

Is it ok to be gay?

Is it true that little boys can get erections?

If someone wanted to be sexually violated, is it still sexual violence?

If I was raped, have I lost virginity?

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Just a heads up, this website has some stuff about sexual violence which might be upsetting,
especially if you or someone close to you has experienced it.

If you find yourself getting upset, make sure you get support or take a few deep breaths
and think about something that makes you smile.

Some of the topics in here may also conflict with your beliefs.
We think that if a person is harming someone, or their human rights
IT IS NOT OK - no matter what your beliefs are.

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