Contact Us

If you would like to email us we would love to hear from you.

You might want more info, or just to give us some feedback on the website. What ever you want to say is cool! If you would like us to contact you back you will need to write a name and either an email address or a phone number that  we can reach you on.

Did you know?

There is no medical test that can prove someone is or is not a virgin (apart from a positive pregnancy test).

Please note that we are not a crisis service and it could be a couple of days or so before we can reply to your email. If you need to talk to someone now click on our where to get support page.

We aren't always in the office, so it is best to flick us an email rather than trying to call us. If you do want someone to talk to please click HERE




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© Copyright 2016 Rape Prevention Education
Charities Act 2005 registration #CC24618
Web design by Shard Software
Thanks to
our Sponsors


Come on in to the Sex’N’Respect website!

Just a heads up, this website has some stuff about sexual violence which might be upsetting,
especially if you or someone close to you has experienced it.

If you find yourself getting upset, make sure you get support or take a few deep breaths
and think about something that makes you smile.

Some of the topics in here may also conflict with your beliefs.
We think that if a person is harming someone, or their human rights
IT IS NOT OK - no matter what your beliefs are.

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